
Apr 17, 2013


K and his mom approached me and asked me if I would take some non-traditional senior portraits for him.  He told me he loves different lighting techniques, black and white, and just about anything nonconventional- a boy after my own heart.  I was thrilled and excited for the challenge.  After several days of gathering ideas, we finally went out for our photoshoot.

And just about everything that could go wrong did go wrong- a temperamental flash, an uncooperative fog machine, a camera that decided it really hated and would not cooperate in lowlight, and to top it all off howling winds and freezing cold temperatures.

The only thing that was my saving grace amidst the chaos was K and his parent's fantastic, upbeat attitude.  I came away from the photoshoot so frustrated that I wanted to cry, but also feeling so grateful to them for their patience and optimism.  They were amazing.

We did come away with some great pictures though, I think.  I learned this lesson long ago, but it was reaffirmed to me again that planning is good, but flexibility is essential.  Very few of the images turned out the way I had planned- some were a flop, but some turned out better than I had hoped.

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